

CMPC is recognized as a leading company in sustainable practice in Latin America

CMPC totaliza cerca de US$ 2.200 millones en financiamientos sostenibles CMPC totaliza cerca de US$ 2.200 millones en financiamientos sostenibles
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CMPC is recognized as a leading company in sustainable practice in Latin America

19 jan 2023

The international organization CDP has included CMPC in the prestigious "A List 2022", recognizing its leadership in the management of impact on water security and forests. This recognition distinguishes CMPC as one of the three companies in Latin America with best practices in the fight against climate change.

Using the largest environmental database in the world, the global environmental organization (NGO) Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) awarded CMPC its highest distinction for transparency and environmental action regarding disclosure of Forests and Water Security, giving CMPC the best evaluation among Chilean companies in this area.

According to the data reported through CDP’s 2022 agricultural and forest safety questionnaires, CMPC is one of the few companies to score a double A out of nearly 15,000 companies. This distinction positions the Chilean company within the top three companies in Latin America in adopting best practice in the fight against climate change according to CDP.

CDP’s annual environmental qualification and disclosure process is widely recognized as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. In 2022, more than 680 investors with more than US$130 billion in assets and 280 major buyers with US$6.4 trillion of acquisitions asked companies to disclose data on environmental impacts, risks and opportunities through CDP's platform. A record 18,700 companies responded.

The organization uses a detailed and independent methodology to evaluate these companies, assigning a score from A to D, based on the completeness of disclosure, awareness and management of environmental risks and the demonstration of best practice associated with environmental leadership, such as setting ambitious and meaningful goals. Those who fail to disclose or provide insufficient information are given an F rating.

CDP’s score for forests covers four commodities: Timber, livestock products, soy and palm oil. Companies need an A in at least one of these categories to reach the Forest A list.

Access the full list of this year's companies honored by CDP here:

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