

Customer Services Training Program

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6 set 2022

In their constant quest to optimise the technical expertise of our engineers, the Customer Services team employs a training program that embraces both theoretical and practical training.  We are constantly looking to be an active partner for our customers, both to resolve problems and to help customers optimise their use of our products. 

We employ remote training courses organized by TAPPI for theoretical training, while practical training is carried out through internships at some of CMPC's production sites. To date, three engineers from the area are participating in such programs. Sebastián Román finished his course at CMPC BioPackaging's Maule mill, Sandra Vega is currently about to complete her training at Softys' Talagante mill and in the coming days Catalina Matte will move to Guaíba for hands-on experience of the printings and writings paper production process. The internships provide process engineers from Customer Service with the chance to be involved with the mills’ operations and develop their skills using a "Learn by Doing" strategy.

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Dado que CMPC Pulp vende en más de 50 países, llegamos a nuestros clientes a través de una red de agentes locales en todo el mundo, así como tres oficinas internacionales de CMPC en Hamburgo, Alemania - Shanghai, China - Atlanta, EEUU. Esto se suma al trabajo realizado por todo el equipo comercial en Chile. De esta manera somos capaces de adaptarnos a la idiosincrasia de cada región y establecer relaciones comerciales confiables y cercanas.

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